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The Neuroscience of Feeling Safe & Connected

The pandemic, the ensuing lockdown and the forced isolation, compounded by the excessive dependence on social media during these last few years, has created a long lasting impact. It has pushed the "fear" button on many aspects of living, that we had so far, taken for granted. Stress has been at an all time high.

Feeling Safe & staying Connected to others, is a fundamental need and hallmark of what makes us human. Its importance ironically, was only recognised during the lockdown, when our freedom to connect, move, socialise, was pulled away. The human brain however is biologically wired to feel safe and stay connected. It is as fundamental a need as food and socialise, to feel we belong to a wider community.

This live video recording of the Open House, throws light on a structure and function within the body, that we know little about and yet need, not only to survive, but also to grow and develop as human beings.We see how behaviour, function and even structure gets altered and impacted, with alarming consequences.

By understanding and recognising these effects and why it happens, we can become more aware of creating actions that make us feel safe and widen our safety net of meaningful connections. So that we can thrive and move towards better living.