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Understanding Pain

"It’s painful…
He is a pain in the neck…
She cried out in pain…
A nagging constant pain through the day…
It pains me to think of you all alone…
I have an excruciating pain in my knee...
It's a pain to wake up so early!...
She was at pains to assure that all will be fine…
So many questions, such a pain…
My head- its paining and throbbing from all that noise…"

All these phrases about Pain, we throw around everyday…be it to describe a throbbing headache, heart-break-ache, pain from an injury, or the ache of stressful city living.

Where is Pain felt? At the Physical, Emotional, or Mental levels? Or is it felt everywhere? Does one area torpedo into all the rest?
Is there a specific location or organ of Pain?

So, what really is Pain? How do we experience it? Do all of us feel Pain with the same intensity, in a similar way?

What is the “Cycle of Pain”?

Is it about “Managing Pain”? What does that mean? Why is Pain Relief so seductive?
Or, is it about Responding to Pain?
How are they different?

“PAIN is Powerful Action In Nobility”, Dr Vijaya Venkat, remarked. The upcoming Open House on “Understanding Pain”, will throw light on what she meant, along with providing cues to all the questions raised above.

You do not have to “live with Pain”… take a deeper look at Pain, watch the recording online, by subscribing to it above.